Fastest Way to Eliminate Delta 8 From Your System
Delta-8 is a known cannabinoid, a compound that is used to treat nausea and vomiting in people with cancer. It comes in capsules or liquid tinctures and can be taken by mouth or through an intravenous (IV) line. Although delta 8 is not a drug, many people are still confused. Does delta 8 come up on drug test , and if yes, then why! Does Delta 8 THC Show Up On a Drug Test ? If you use delta 8 THC, it will come up on a drug test. These results are because the body converts delta 8 to THC when taken in, which is what the drug test detects. And the drug test detects THC cannabis constituents. However, one thing to note is that this doesn't mean that no traces of delta 8 or other cannabinoids are left in your system after using marijuana. It just means they aren't detected by a standard urine test at home or work which makes sense because these tests only look at specific compounds (e.g., THC). Below we enlist the fastest way to get delta 8 out of your system to ...